Supporting you through pregnancy, birth and beyond

I am a Developing Doulas trainer and mentor and an experienced birth and postnatal doula.  I offer a range of services including regular group and private hypnobirthing classes.

I offer client services to people living in Peterborough, Stamford, Oundle, Corby, Kettering and across North Cambridgeshire and South Lincolnshire.  

As well as the face:face work that I provide, I also offer training courses and workshops, doula mentoring and some 1:1 consultations for pregnant women online.  For all online sessions I use Zoom and you will receive the same personalised support, connection, resources and content as you would if we were to meet face:face.

I can support you and your family whatever your plans for birth are and wherever your  decisions takes you.

My passion is to support others to become truly empowered and to train and support other women to become doulas and role models within their own communities.

DUK Registered. DRB Checked.  Fully Insured.

Photo of Verina Henchy holding a doula clients baby
Verina holding new twin babies

Doula Services

The support of a doula during labour and childbirth brings many benefits. I have worked with people in a range of birthing situations.

wise hipp logo


If you are looking to have a calm and relaxed birth, then hypnobirthing could be for you. Hypnobirthing can enable you and your baby to have a calm, gentle and more comfortable birth, however and where ever you give birth.


Closing the Bones

Closing the Bones is a postpartum healing ceremony, created by a Mexican tradition where the postpartum mother is anointed, massaged and wrapped. It helps to nurture the mother after her birth journey into motherhood. It is a celebration, a setting of sacred space, and a way to nurture mother and baby.

Picture showing guests ata Blessingway Ceremony

Mother Blessing

A Mother's Blessing ceremony honours and celebrates the path into motherhood. This a magical service that I am now able to offer.

Photo of hourglass and clock to illustrate the passing ot time for the rewind technique

Rewind Technique

The Rewind Technique is a non-intrusive, safe and highly effective psychological method for de-traumatising people. This technique can bring relief to parents who are traumatised after a difficult birth experience.